The Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade
#blacklivesmatter #racism #riseupelca
(Part One of "Postcards from Detroit: Let's Tell the Rest of the Story" can be found here: )
Prior to my trip to Detroit for the ELCA Youth Gathering with
the teens from the congregation I serve, United in Christ Lutheran in
Lewisburg, PA, we completed a preparatory session on racism. We learned about the levels of individual,
interpersonal, institutional and structural racism that we encounter in our
relationships and in society. We
discussed the term “white privilege” and the stereotypes we have about certain
races. As a seminary student, I had gone
through anti-racism training, and as a pastor of Spirit and Truth Worship
Center in Yeadon, PA, I had the honor of serving an African American/African
native congregation who taught me a great deal about the challenges of racism. But I encountered something in Detroit that
showed me just how embedded my stereotypes are about non-white people.
On our walk through center city Detroit one day, my youth
and I came upon an open-air plaza where tall tables and chairs were lined up
and eleven young black boys and girls sat across from each other playing chess –
competitive speed chess, complete with timers.
These girls and boys were upper elementary and middle school-aged, and
they had an adult male mentor with them.
We watched, mouths gaping, as they made their moves, slapped the timers,
joked and laughed, and whizzed through their games. One boy, seeing his opponent make a good move
against him, shouted out, “The struggle is
real!” And we all laughed together. (For more info on the Detroit City Chess Club:
As I was taking pictures of their group, one little boy
called out to me, “You want to play?”
While I knew how to play chess, we were on our way to the next event for
the Gathering, so I had to politely decline.
“It’s okay, I can teach you!” he offered. It was an “Aww,” moment – but I felt
convicted in my soul.
Why is it that we were so shocked to see young black boys and girls engaging in a game
that requires incredible mental skills of logic, strategy, pattern-recognition,
and intellectual speed? Did we not think
their brains capable of such feats of intelligence? Did we succumb to the stereotype that black children
are only troublemakers and ne’er-do-wells, training for gang life and criminal
activity, and incapable of higher thinking skills? Were we so caught up in the assumptions that
black males are lazy, violent and only interested in sports, and girls only
destined to pre-teen unwed motherhood, that seeing them peacefully and joyfully
engaging in chess just blew our minds?
And did we think them an exception to the unspoken rule that black
people simply don’t have the capacity or interest to engage in demanding
brain-training activities?

Yes, chess-playing child, you have taught me. We all need to be reminded that the minds of black boys and girls are as
smart as those of whites. That they are
just as capable of learning and cognitive development as their white
counterparts. And that when we deny them
access to education through the myriad of social problems such as inadequate
housing, healthcare, nutrition, and the mass incarceration of their parents, we
are actually hurting ourselves. How many
potential inventors, scientists, writers, surgeons and artists have we denied
ourselves as a nation over the past 400 hundred years by enslaving and shutting
out those minds? Who are the potential
engineers, college professors, doctors and well-educated parents and voters we
are shutting down right at this very moment?
Those people are the
chess-playing girls and boys. By
refusing to welcome them and educate them, we are sending away the future of
America. Shame on us. The struggle is real.
Excellent observations and exposition.