The Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade
United in Christ Lutheran Church,
Lewisburg, PA
Texts: Genesis 2:15-17, 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11
First Sunday in Lent; March 9, 2014
Our cars pulled into the gravel parking lot facing the brick
building across the street. All around
us were signs of a city that had fallen on hard times. Buildings with shattered, darkened windows
like black eyes looking out on a desolate, concrete world. Candy wrappers,
Dorito bags, and all kinds of discarded trash skittered along the sidewalk
whenever a car sped by. We hurried
across the street and into the building – City Team Ministries in Chester, PA,
just south of Philadelphia.
Seven confirmation students, a few parents and I were there
to learn about the work of this Christian-based haven for homeless and
drug-addicted men. Every evening City
Team opens its doors to the community and serves a meal cooked up by the men
with the assistance of volunteers from local churches. The church I served at that time sent
volunteers every fourth Monday of the month to conduct the worship service that
preceded the meal, and to help serve those who came in need of good, hot food,
a safe place to gather, and clothes or shoes for themselves and their families. Once a year I would bring the Confirmation
students and their parents to this place to help with the service and meal,
tour the facility, and hear first-hand from men who battled the demons and
temptations of addiction.
After serving the meal, we sat down in one of the common
rooms with a man we’ll call Brian. He
was clean-cut, handsome, and looked not much older than the teens sitting
uncomfortably in the plastic chairs around the table. He did not look like a typical
drug-addict. But then he told us his
“At first I started using because I thought it would be fun.
I was hangin’ out with my friends, and that’s what we did, you know? I really didn’t think anything about it. I thought I was strong enough to handle
anything. But I really had no idea, you
know? That feeling it gives you, it takes hold of you and it’s all you can
think about. It just controlled
everything about me. It was everything I
thought about, drove every action I took.
“I had so much going for me.
I came from a good family. People
liked me and I did well in school. But I knew how to get money. And I knew how to make people believe things
about me so that I could cover up what I was doing. I thought I was so smart, you know? But the demon – that’s what I call him – the
demon is smarter than me. I started
stealing, selling bags to kids like you, getting mixed up with some seriously
dangerous cats. Eventually I got into
some real trouble.
“My parents tried to send me to rehab a couple times. I really blew it. Every time. And I ended up in prison for a time. Eventually they just cut me off.
I was really mad at first, but I’m not anymore. What I do – it’s not their fault. I have to battle this demon on my own.”
But then he stopped and shook his head. “No, see, I have to stop saying that. That’s the kind of thinking that got me in
trouble in the first place. I can’t do
this on my own. I need help. And not just human help. I need God.
I need the power of Jesus in my life.
That’s one thing I learned in here,” he said waving to the walls hung with
posters inscribed with Bible verses and inspirational words scripted on
pictures of beautiful landscapes.
“You know that story about Adam and Eve in the garden and
the forbidden fruit?” he asked the students.
They nodded their heads, hanging on his every word. “When that serpent came and tempted them, did
they ask God about what the serpent was saying?
Did they seek God’s guidance? No,
they thought they could handle the fruit on their own. Drugs are like that fruit. Or anything you can get addicted to –
alcohol, gambling, pornography, you name it.
You take one bite and your eyes are opened, alright. You feel awesome at first, but then it leaves
you feeling like hell. And you keep
coming back to the tree wanting another first bite. But it turns out that the
serpent bites you every time, sucks
the life right out of you like a vampire.”
He shook his head and looked down at his hands. “They never even thought to go to God. They never turn to him. So he has to go to them. And they’re so messed up by the time God
finds them, they can’t even stay in the Garden anymore. That’s what happened to me. I know I can’t ever go back to the life I had
before I started using.”
Then I asked Brian a question. “So why is City Team different than the other
places you’ve been to try to get clean?”
“Well,” he said, “first, I thought it was going to be easy,
because, you know, church people and all.
But they are really strict here, very disciplined. But more than that, what’s different here is
that they really ground you in the Word of God and serving the community. They teach us to read the Bible, and to turn
to God when we’re feeling that temptation pulling on us.”
“Brian, can I just challenge you about that a minute?” I
asked him. “Because kids sometimes think
that the Bible is just a bunch of words.” I picked up one setting on the
table. “How can reading these words
really help with addiction?”
“Yeah, I used to think that, too,” he admitted. “But, again, you can’t just do it alone. You have to ask for God’s guidance, and ask
other people to help you understand what these words mean. And what I found is that there is something
very powerful in here. The Bible is like
an anchor for me when I feel my head getting whipped around. Or like a flashlight when I’m in a dark
“See, before, when I tried to stop using, I didn’t have
anything to fill the hole. I’d be good
for a while, but there was always something missing. And when things started to get to me, when I
got stressed, where did I turn? Back to
the drugs. But that serpent – he doesn’t
care a thing about me. That demon only
wants to drain me dry. But God loves me
and wants to give me life.”
I asked Brian if he had some favorite Bible verses or
stories. He named John 3:16, of course,
and Psalm 23. But then he talked about
the passage recounting Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness.
“See, Jesus says right there – you can’t live on bread
alone. You have to have God’s Word. That’s what really gives life. And when the devil takes Jesus up to the
pinnacle, that’s the way it feels when you’re about to get high. You think nothing can touch you, and that
rush when you fall into it, man . . .
“But see with drugs, it starts out easy and good, but then
it gets hard and bad. With God, it’s
just the opposite. It starts out hard
and it’s not easy at all. You’re in that
wilderness for a long time. But when you get on the other side, just like with Jesus,
angels are waiting for you.”
Brian then told us how long he had been clean, to the exact
day, and how much he looked forward to graduating from the program. City Team had helped him to get a job, gave
him a place to go every night, required him to attend Bible studies, serve the
community meal, and sort through the donations that came to the facility. “This place saved my life,” he said. “I know it’s not going to be easy. But I have the power of Jesus. He battled the
demons of temptation, and he won. That’s
the power I want in my life.”
The Confirmation students thanked him for talking with
them. For most of them, it was the first
time they had met someone who so fiercely battled the temptation of drugs. Certainly, Brian’s story served as a
cautionary tale for them. But more importantly,
I wanted them to hear what a difference faith and God’s Word could make in a
person’s life.
Maybe you have stood in the same places as Brian. At the tree, reaching for that fruit that
promises so much, but delivers only the bite of the serpent. On the pinnacle, tempted to throw yourself
into the thrill of danger. Or maybe you
have loved someone who has given in to the temptation of the demon, watched
them hurl themselves into that void. And somehow you end up crashing right
along with them, or suffering the wounds from that deadly serpent.
This might be a good time for you to enter the wilderness
with Jesus, and let him teach you and guide you and strengthen you as you begin
a new journey with him. We’re not
surrounded by a gritty urban landscape here.
But there are just as many people struggling with temptation here in the
bucolic central Susquehanna Valley as there are in the blighted city of
And this place, United in Christ Lutheran, this little
brick church surrounded by fields and farms, can offer a haven where you can worship
God, take part in a prayer session or Bible study to help ground you in the
Word of God, and draw you closer to Jesus.
This is a safe place to gather, to
share a meal, to serve the community, to surround yourself with people who
remind you that you don’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to do it
alone. That, in fact, you can’t face
those demons all by yourself. You need
help. You need others, and you need the
God who loves you and will keep coming to find you, no matter how much you’ve
messed up your life.

But understand that the journey will start out hard and it
won’t be easy at all. We’ll be in this
wilderness for a long time. But when you get on the other side, just like with
Jesus, angels are waiting for you. You have the power of the one who battled
the demons of temptation, and he won.
That’s the power we want in this life. Amen.
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