The following is my testimony for the listening sessions the DEP is holding throughout the state to gather citizen input as it considers how Pennsylvania can best implement the Clean Power Plan, which our country adopted to reduce carbon pollution from power plants - the nation's biggest source of climate change emissions.
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental
Protection (PA-DEP)
Testimony by
The Rev. Dr. Leah D. Schade, PhD
United in Christ Lutheran Church, Lewisburg, PA
Author, Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theologyand the Pulpit (Chalice Press, 2015)
Professor in Religion and Philosophy –
Lebanon Valley
College, Annville, PA; Susquehanna University, Selinsgrove, PA
November 4, 2015

First, I am concerned that
energy efficiency will not be utilized to its full extent in the plan,
because it was not included in the target-setting. It is still allowed for
compliance. The fact is that energy efficiency is the fastest, cleanest, and
most cost-effective compliance mechanism available to states. And on the basis
of levelized costs, the evidence is clear: energy efficiency is cheaper than
any generation technology. There is no compliance mechanism better suited
to directly help consumers with their energy costs.
Just this week, my elementary-age son
received a “Bright Kids” kit at his school from PP&L with three free LED
light bulbs and materials to help him learn about energy conservation. Just that small investment from the power
company will help our home save energy, save money, and cut our carbon
emissions. Imagine if all power
companies were required to provide such kits to every one of their
customers. Energy
efficiency is cheaper than any type of electricity, new or existing, fossil or
renewable. We should be investing in energy efficiency first to displace
new and existing fossil fuel energy generation. This way, even if rates go up, bills will stay the same
or go down.
In regards to my second concern about
methane gas, I served as a member of the task force on slickwater hydraulic
fracturing for the Upper Susquehanna Synod of the Evangelical Lutheran Church
in America. We spent two years studying
the ethical and moral issues surrounding fracking. I have also been a member of several
environmental groups that study and bear witness to the harmful effects of the
shale gas industry in our state and across the country. The Clean Power Plan undervalues the warming impact of methane gas in
two important ways. First, the CPP regulates stack emissions, not upstream
emissions, so the impact of the methane leakage from wells and infrastructure
is largely invisible to the Plan.
Second, methane is a greenhouse gas even more potent than
carbon dioxide. The total lifecycle
emissions from methane-gas-fired power plants, including leakage during
production, processing, and transmission, emissions flaring at gas wells, and
energy consumed in the production and transport of liquefied natural gas have
the potential to send greenhouse gases on our planet into out-of-control levels.
While the most recent report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change states that methane is 86 times more powerful as a greenhouse gas than
carbon dioxide over a 20 year period, the Clean Power Plan
relies on an outdated figure previously published by the IPCC, stating that
methane is only 25 times more powerful than carbon dioxide over 100
years, a timeframe that is hardly relevant given the
Plan’s goal to reduce emissions by 2030. The
bottom line is that the more Pennsylvania’s plan avoids relying on shale gas,
the faster we can make lasting efforts to reduce emissions.
By some estimates, if Pennsylvania designs a strong plan centered on low-carbon
solutions, we could generate at least 5,100 new jobs in the energy efficiency sector
and save local businesses at least $241 million on energy bills in 2020. We can
also expect to see an additional $17 billion in investment come to our state's
clean energy projects.
I am
committed to helping people of faith learn how to do their part to care for God’s
Creation and address ecological justice issues.
The Clean Power Plan should lead to
significant climate and public health benefits for all, especially minority,
low-income, and indigenous communities. The crafters of the plan
must also be vigilant about identifying and closing any loopholes that would
enable carbon emitters to skirt either the letter and/or spirit of the law.
conclusion, I call for the DEP to move toward a plan that shuns reliance on shale
gas and embraces clean, renewable energy, along with energy conservation, all
of which has the potential to create jobs, reduce greenhouse gases, and power
our state in sustainable ways. I urge
the DEP to make the plan as strong as possible, exceeding
the federal specs, and to
do everything within its power to move our state away from fossil fuels and
toward solar, wind, and geothermal, as well as greatly increased energy
efficiency and conservation. Thank you.
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