Friday, February 20, 2015

Creation-Crisis Preaching: Ecology, Theology and the Pulpit

By Leah D. Schade
Chalice Press
Available Summer 2015
Pre-order here:

How can we proclaim justice for God’s Creation in the face of global warming? How does fracking fit with “the earth and its fullness are the Lord’s?” Creation-Crisis Preaching works with the premise that all of Creation, including humankind, needs to hear the Good News of Jesus’ resurrection in this age in which humanity is “crucifying” Creation. Informed by years of experience as an environmental activist and minister, Leah Schade equips preachers to interpret the Bible through a “green” lens, become rooted in environmental theology, and learn how to understand their preaching context in terms of the particular political, cultural, and biotic setting of their congregation. Creation-Crisis Preaching provides both theoretical grounding and practical tips for preachers to create environmental sermons that are relevant, courageous, creative, pastoral, and inspiring.

Clergy and lay preachers: This book is an equal blend of theory and practical application when it comes to environmental preaching. Drawing on social movement theory and the role of religion in environmental activism, the author offers an innovative approach to environmental preaching based on a deciduous tree’s yearly cycle:  “flowering/pollination” (consciousness-raising), “leafing” (calling for specific action); and “fruiting” (transforming lifestyles and culture for long-term, sustainable change).  Several sermons by the author are included throughout the book with detailed analysis to illustrate preaching that honestly and creatively names the reality of our ecologically “crucified” world, while emphasizing a hope-filled “eco-resurrection.”  The flowering-leafing-fruiting approaches to preaching about Creation are applicable to other justice issues as well.  The book would be useful for pastor study groups and continuing education classes for preachers.  Also, the book addresses the role of religious leaders in the public square, how to be a presence in local justice issues, and how to balance the prophetic and pastoral voice in their preaching and public witness.

Lay religious readers: Readers interested in connecting their faith with Creation-care will find theological, scriptural, and practical tools for addressing environmental justice issues in their lives and faith journeys.  The book could also be used as a seven-part study series with the help of the downloadable study guide.

Non-religious environmental activists: Non-religious environmental activists and advocates seeking to widen their base and make connections with people of faith will find this book helpful in providing insights as to what resonates with religious persons and activates them to take part in efforts to protect the environment.  Just as the Civil Rights movement of the 1960s relied heavily on churches, synagogues and people of faith to frame their cause as righteous and morally compelling, today we need a Green Civil Rights movement in which people of faith are engaged and seen as partners in the Great Transition to a non-fossil-fuel future where human beings reorient to a biocentric economy.  This book can help build a bridge between the two groups.

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